Over 40 Percent Of Unizik Staff Watch Pornography At Work – Unizik VC Prof. Joseph Ahaneku - Welcome To Ejitex News & Tech Portal

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Over 40 Percent Of Unizik Staff Watch Pornography At Work – Unizik VC Prof. Joseph Ahaneku

Over 40 Percent Of Unizik Staff Watch Pornography At Work – Unizik VC Prof. Joseph Ahaneku

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Nnamdi Azikiwe University

The vice-chancellor of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Prof. Joseph Ahaneku, on Thursday said over 40 percent of the staff of the university watch pornography at work.

The VC who was able to monitor the development in offices on campus from his own network, said he took a drastic decision to curb it by censoring Internet services in the university from his office, according to the Punch NG.

Ahaneku said: “This is one reason we shut down YouTube from the university’s resource centre.

“People should be made to be conscientious as well as do what they have been assigned to do and eschew indolence.

“There have been a lot of abuses on facilities that, ordinarily, should aid staff in their jobs and as a result plans are underway to remove the televisions in central offices.”

Ahaneku added, “Spending government time without doing what one is paid for is an act of corruption.”

Source: Punch

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