Simple way or method to get your blog approved by Google adsense - Welcome To Ejitex News & Tech Portal

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NOTE: This Website is owned by me (EJITEX) no third party, and this Website is sponsored by Google Adsense (GA).

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Simple way or method to get your blog approved by Google adsense

Simple way or method to get your blog approved by Google adsense

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For new bloggers or old bloggers that there blog is not yet running Google ads.

Untitled document For new blogger, visit, create your blog with your prefered name, it can be your name as I use my name on my own, then look for a nice template you can download it online, use the template to change the template your blog is already come with when you create your blog, Google also check how nice your blog is looking.

Make sure that all your drop down work corretly as you name them, Google also check if your drop down work correctly.

Then goto social media on your blog, like Facebook, twitter, instagram, Google+ etc. fill them.

Alternatively, the one you don't have the account delete it or you create the account and fill it, don't leave them empty, am sure if you don't have any of the account you must have Facebook account.

Untitled document Then make sure that the post in your blog is more than 300 Posts , am writing this base on what I encounter in one of my blog before it got approved.

Make sure your blog is alteast six (6) months old or more than.

Blogspot is a free domain, purchase a domain from , you can purchase the domain immediately you create the blog or after some months when you create the blog, any one you choose is the best.

But make sure before you submit it or apply for Google AdSense you have purchase the domain.

When you submit your blog to Google AdSense ,after you have fill all the necessary things you have to fill, at the end you will see a code copy the code and pest it in your HTML of your site, where you want to show ads, Head to Head tag, then wait for less than a day, some times it could take longer (3 days).

After some time maybe few hours you submit your blog login to your adsense goto settings>personal settings your will see where you are required to type in your full name.

Type your first and last name in full, don't not type in short cut, E.g. your  (first name) is Daniel (last name) Ude and your type Dan  Ud, thats wrong type your name in full like this, (Daniel Ude) also type in your phone number correctly with your country code. And click save.

For Nigeria code is +234.

Your site will be approved check your email.

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