Today is when Engr Ude Daniel Arunsi (EJITEX) Escape from the womb: October 20 - Welcome To Ejitex News & Tech Portal

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Today is when Engr Ude Daniel Arunsi (EJITEX)  Escape from the womb: October 20

Today is when Engr Ude Daniel Arunsi (EJITEX) Escape from the womb: October 20

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Today an Engr, webmaster, publisher, and blogger was born today,  October 20. Wish me well.

Yay! It’s my birthday once again! Wishing me, myself and I a memorable birthday full of the Lord’s blessings. Today, I just want to thank God for adding another year to my life. I will put a smile on my face and won’t let the troubles of life get me down because it’s my birthday today. A very happy birthday to me. 

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