Unlimited MTN Free Browsing Cheat with Psiphon Handler - Welcome To Ejitex News & Tech Portal

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Unlimited MTN Free Browsing Cheat with Psiphon Handler

Unlimited MTN Free Browsing Cheat with Psiphon Handler

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A friend of my just sent this tricks of free mtn browsing and by the he sent it to me, I tested it and it is working  perfectly, grab it now while it last, because it can be block at anytime.

Untitled document 1. Download and install Psiphon Handler here 
2. Launch and tweak your PSIPHON HANDLER Settings as follows:

Untitled document Check Remove port boxProxy type: Dual Real HostProxy server: 
datareset.mtnonline.com/#XstringReal proxy type: HTTPReal proxy port: 80

3. Quickly navigate to OPTIONS and select the UNITED STATES as your region.

4. Also tap on MORE OPTIONS, under CONNECT THROUGH HTTP, and enter as Host address and 8080 as Port

You can now click on the connect button and continue to browse 
Untitled document

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